
Site Map




Visibility Research

    Image Transmission

Overview of Current Work

Overview of Atmospheric Optics Website

The Atmospheric Optics Group is a research and development team specializing in characterization and understanding of the atmosphere and its optical characteristics. Current work includes monitoring cloud cover and sky radiances for climate research, studies in cloud detection algorithms, and measurements of cloud and sky dynamics for military support. The Atmospheric Optics Group is currently best known for its development of digital autonomous Whole Sky Imagers such as the one pictured above.

Our members are listed in the Personnel section. We are part of the Marine Physical Laboratory, which is part of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego. To reach us, find the e-mail and phone numbers under Personnel as well as the address under Organization.

The History of the Atmospheric Optics Group, with sub-sections on Visibility and Image Transmission is given in this section, as well as an Overview of current work.

The organization of this web site is listed in the available Site Map. You may link to any of these topics directly from here.

We would like to express our appreication to our sponsors in the Air Force, Navy, Deutsche Wetterdienst, Department of Energy, Army, and others who have sponsored our work over the years.

Produced by the Marine Physical Laboratory, SIO.
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Copyright © 2002.

Official web page of the University of California, San Diego